What is the Item level RFID Technology?

What is an Item level RFID Technology? Item level RFID Technology is a Key Tool in the Supply chain. Although there are so many RFID technology types. For examples tags and readers out there. Each suit to different types of environments. Item level radio frequency identification (RFID) tagging has still experienced significant advances over the…

rfid for tracking

How RFID for Tracking Works in Asset Management?

RFID for tracking play an important role in asset management nowadays. While the RFID visual asset management system is an informative, intelligent and standardized system. For unified management and analysis not only RFID assets based on mutual 3D technology. But also cloud computing, big data, RFID technology, database technology, AI, and video analysis technology. Rapaid Development…


RFIDHY Assists Enterprises in Digital Transformation

As a solution provider dedicated to helping enterprises obtain performance advantages on the front line, RFIDHY Technology Company participated in the 2021 16th International Internet of Things Expo and demonstrated a series of complete Internet of Things solutions to help enterprises in the new retail and manufacturing industries. And medical and other fields have successfully…


Mining Company Deploys Industrial RFID Tags

Dazhong Mining deploys RFIDHY industrial RFID tags and mobile handheld readers to track equipment availability and operation and maintenance records on the job site. Dazhong Mining deployed RFIDHY industrial RFID tags and mobile handheld readers to track equipment availability and operation and maintenance records on the job site. The company specializes in iron ore and…
