How does the animal tag work?


Scan the RFIDHY blister pack to verify that microchip’s functionality.


Implant the microchip.


Then rescan the pet to verify that the microchip can be localized.


Don’t forget to edit the information on your system.


If the pet is lost,you can find the owner through the microchip.

The following are essential products


RFIDHY’s Glass Tag help manage and safeguard animals. Standard Glass Tag units are enclosed in…

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Why use RFID microchip
in pet management?

  • With the improvement of people’s living, the pets have become the intimate partners of many People. However, with the rapidly increase in the number of pets, pet supervision and safety issues have become increasingly prominent, with its lost and discarding increased badly, the stray pets will spread diseases and will not be fertility controlled .it will also be risk to the people’s security &safety and the city’s hygiene Etc. The people have to face these problems every day.
  • The pet tag stores the basic information of the pet, and transmits the data to the software through the reader, thereby realizing automatic identification and analysis of the pet pedigree, identity, owner and the birth, health, epidemic prevention and the like of the whole life, and realizing the informatical pet management.

Application field
